It's been a while since I've done one of these, too long really. I had started one for Kick Ass 2, but I never finished it. Part of the reason for that was the fact that the characters that got figures seldom came into conflict with one another, so I had to go to other sets to get someone for them to play against. That being said, the biggest problem that I had building the teams for Guardians was getting the point totals to work out to be close to one another. There are some figures that I didn't manage to fit on a team, which does bum me out a little, but that's largely because I didn't want to get too out of hand with the builds. I may include a couple of other fun Guardian builds at the end, just to fill out the figures that I miss along the way.
For those that don't know how this series works, you will find spoilers below. After all, it's hard to write a "Playing the Movie" article without covering key points in the movie. The teams below are my best approximations of the fight scenes that occur in the movie. With this movie, since the soundtrack was so integral to the proceedings, I tried to name the conflicts after songs that played near or during the events. I apologize if my memory is rusty. I'll gladly correct the names if someone corrects me on what songs played where.
Come and Get Your Love (Retrieving the Orb): In the beginning of the movie, we're introduced to Star-Lord, lipsynching and dancing to Come and Get Your Love, as he uses a space lizard for a microphone. It's a great scene to set the tone for the whole movie, and it leads directly into our first conflict. Star-Lord retrieves the Orb, only to be drawn on by Korath and some Sakaaran Soldiers. For the matter of points, I have the common Star-Lord vs the Rookie dial for Korath and a Soldier. However, if you have the Chase Star-Lord, you could play him vs Rookie Korath with 2 Soldiers, or you could upgrade Korath and still only field him with 1 Soldier. It's all in how you want to play it.
95 GOTGM001 Star-Lord
50 GOTGM015E Korath the Pursuer
49 GOTGM006 Sakaaran Soldier
99 Total
Spirit in the Sky (Xandar Conflict): Once Star-Lord gets to Xandar and fails to sell the Orb to the Broker, he comes into conflict with Gamora, and Rocket with Groot. You could either run Star-Lord vs Gamora, or you could add Rocket/Groot in as a "scenario" or as a third player. The Rocket/Groot combo is at a point advantage, but those are the cheapest versions of these characters available.
95 GOTGM001 Star-Lord
100 GOTGM103 Gamora
75 GOTGM102 Rocket Raccoon
75 GOTGM105R Groot
150 Total
Moonage Daydream (Kyln Escape): Coming out of the conflict on Xandar, the Guardians are dumped at the Kyln and forced to escape, so that they can continue to try to find a buyer for the Orb. If you had enough Novas, you could increase the points for this scenario, but at 400, you can get the full movie Guardians team, to fight there way through the Nova Corps.
94 GOTGM013 Drax the Destroyer
75 GOTGM101 Star-Lord
75 GOTGM102 Rocket Raccoon
75 GOTGM103R Gamora
75 GOTGM105R Groot
394 Total
45 GOTGM003 Nova Corpsman
45 GOTGM003 Nova Corpsman
45 GOTGM003 Nova Corpsman
45 GOTGM003 Nova Corpsman
45 GOTGM003 Nova Corpsman
55 GOTGM004 Nova Corps Officer
55 GOTGM004 Nova Corps Officer
55 GOTGM004 Nova Corps Officer
390 Total
Go All the Way (Knowhere): Once on Knowhere, the team tries to broker a deal with the Collector, but once the Collector exposes the true power of the Orb, Gamora and Star-Lord decide that they cannot leave it in his hands. When they flee his Museum, they find that Drax has called Ronan, and his forces have arrived on Knowhere. In the movie, a portion of this battle does happen in vehicles, but for the purposes of playing them in Clix, we'll run it like this. If you want Gamora to benefit from Sibling Rivalry, you could swap her for her 73 point version, and upgrade Rocket to his Chase version.
95 GOTGM001 Star-Lord
90 GOTGM009R Groot
90 GOTGM005 Rocket Raccoon
125 GOTGM104 Drax the Destroyer
100 GOTGM103 Gamora
500 Total
49 GOTGM006 Sakaaran Soldier
49 GOTGM006 Sakaaran Soldier
49 GOTGM006 Sakaaran Soldier
49 GOTGM006 Sakaaran Soldier
74 GOTGM007 Sakaaran Commander
150 GOTGM008R Ronan the Accuser
73 GOTGM010 Nebula
493 Total
Cherry Bomb (Assault on Dark Aster): After the events at Knowhere, The Guardians, the Ravagers, and the Nova Corps team up versus Ronan's Forces. This could be split up into smaller conflicts, and technically you wouldn't really need Irani Rael or Rhomann Dey, since neither of them were directly involved, but it's more fun to include them. That said, these are the builds I came up with.
73 GOTGM002 Gamora
45 GOTGM003 Nova Corpsman
45 GOTGM003 Nova Corpsman
55 GOTGM004 Nova Corps Officer
90 GOTGM005 Rocket Raccoon
60 GOTGM011 Irani Rael
82 GOTGM012 Yondu
94 GOTGM013 Drax the Destroyer
75 GOTGM014 Rhomann Dey
75 GOTGM101 Star-Lord
100 GOTGM105 Groot
794 Total
49 GOTGM006 Sakaaran Soldier
49 GOTGM006 Sakaaran Soldier
49 GOTGM006 Sakaaran Soldier
49 GOTGM006 Sakaaran Soldier
74 GOTGM007 Sakaaran Commander
74 GOTGM007 Sakaaran Commander
275 GOTGM008 Ronan the Accuser
73 GOTGM010 Nebula
100 GOTGM015 Korath the Pursuer
792 Total
O-O-H Child (the Final Conflict): Once the Dark Aster crashes, there is one final conflict planet-side between the remaining Guardians and Ronan. This build was difficult to work out (especially since I'd rather use the Star-Lord Chase here) but to make points work out, I went back and grabbed an older version of Drax so each member of the Guardians is exactly 75 point working the build out to exactly 300 points. Ronan is easy since there is a 300 point version of him that pretty much reflects the character from the movie. Too bad there's no way to reflect a "dance-off" in HeroClix.
75 GOTGM101 Star-Lord
75 GOTGM102 Rocket Raccoon
75 GOTGM103R Gamora
75 GG204 Drax
300 Total
300 GOTGM106 Ronan
That concludes the teams that I built for Playing the Movie. However, for extra credit, here are 2 Guardians teams that are built almost exclusively from the Hobby/Target single figure boosters.
73 GOTGM002 Gamora
90 GOTGM005 Rocket Raccoon
90 GOTGM009R Groot
94 GOTGM013 Drax the Destroyer
150 GOTGM017 Star-Lord
497 Total
95 GOTGM001 Star-Lord
4 ATA011 Guardians of the Galaxy
73 GOTGM002 Gamora
4 ATA011 Guardians of the Galaxy
198 GOTGM009 Groot
4 ATA011 Guardians of the Galaxy
94 GOTGM013 Drax the Destroyer
4 ATA011 Guardians of the Galaxy
100 GOTGM018 Rocket Raccoon
4 ATA011 Guardians of the Galaxy
10 IGS102 Power Gem
590 Total
If you've come up with your own movie set team, I'd love to see it. Thanks for reading.
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