Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Product Placement: hair10's ID Rings

One of the best peripheral items to get for HeroClix, if you play in tournaments with any regularity, has always been a product called ID-Rings. The old versions were colored rubber rings that wrapped around the outside of either cup or inverted Clix base. Most players used these rings to differentiate there figures from there of their opponents, although some used them to signify which figures had certain Feats, but when that mechanic was in fashion as well.

The old rings always had the problem that they didn't work on figures with larger bases, but since those at the time were mostly rare in appearance anyway, that really wasn't such a big deal. Fast forward to the age of the Oreo Base and all of a sudden the old ID Rings really don't work on any new figures at all.

That's where hair10 stepped in with a fantastic idea, and a desire to own a couple of 3D printers. Thanks to this idea, and the existence of a little site known as Kickstarter, Karl had the idea, and the means to see it come to fruition, and flourish it did! The Kickstarter did so well in fact that there were a number of Stretch Goals introduced and reached.

I'm proud to say that I was a backer of this project (at the $25 level), and to my excitement, when I got home last night, my box of Rings were sitting on my kitchen table waiting for me! So what did my investment earn me? I received 15 Oreo Base Rings, 2 Peanut Base Rings, 1 Single-Dial Colossal Ring, and 1 Light and 1 Heavy 3D (sort of) Standard Objects.

All the items are a sturdy plastic, and the rings fit very nicely on the bases they were designed for. They slide on and off easily, but fit snuggly enough, that I'm not afraid I'm going to loose them. They're also designed to be seen, but still fit fairly well inside the squares on the map. After all these are supposed to be visual aids, not obstructions. And although they aren't a perfect match for my old ID Rings, the color is close enough considering the difference in material and design.

I think my only complaint (if you can even call it that) is that I'd like to have at least one more of each of the larger base sizes. After all I need 3 Peanut Base Rings to run the Horsemen of Apocalypse, and who wants to run only 1 Frost Giant and/or Sentinel? Hopefully once Karl gets through all of his Kickstarter rewards, there will be a chance to order these items from him in a more a la carte fashion.

1 comment:

  1. "Hopefully once Karl gets through all of his Kickstarter rewards, there will be a chance to order these items from him in a more a la carte fashion."

    There will indeed!
