Friday, July 19, 2013

Playing the Movie: Pacific Rim

On Monday, my friend Kevin and I went to see Pacific Rim in IMAX 3D, and I have to admit, it's the most fun I've had at the movies all summer (I do not count Iron Man 3 as a summer movie, since it came out in early May). If you haven't seen it yet, and you're a guy, what are you waiting for? Sure some of the science is questionable, but what summer movie worth seeing overly concerns itself with such matters. This is giant monsters, fighting giant robots, and it is glorious!

For those that don't know how this series works, you will find spoilers below. After all, it's hard to write a "Playing the Movie" article without covering key points in the movie. The teams below are my best approximations of the fight scenes that occur in the movie. Also realize, that since we only got 5 monsters in this set, I've been forced to use some monsters as stand-ins for the ones not represented here. That said, I don't think that this is a big issue since some of the monsters dial-wise sort of feel like amalgamations anyway.

Unlike other articles, I'm not going to exactly follow the arc of the movie with this one. Instead I'm going to opt to follow the chronology of events. With that, the first event that we can represent, if we sub in Scunner for Onibaba, is the battle between Onibaba and Coyote Tango. Using both figures at their full power, to even the points I've added 4 Fighter Jet bystanders from the mini-game pack, to represent the first wave to attack Onibaba.

400 PR009 Scunner (standing in for Onibaba)


250 PR005 Coyote Tango
 25 PRB101 Fighter Jet
 25 PRB101 Fighter Jet
 25 PRB101 Fighter Jet
 25 PRB101 Fighter Jet
 25 PRB101 Fighter Jet
 25 PRB101 Fighter Jet
400 Total

The next chronological event we see in the film Knifehead vs the Becket brothers piloting Gipsy Danger. To make the points come out close to even, I've opted to run the 200 point Knifehead vs the 125 point Gipsy anger. To round out the points, I've added 3 of the mini-game Battleships, even though there really weren't any Battleships in the sequence. Besides, the Battleships will likely fair as well as the civilian vessel did in the film.

200 PR006E Knifehead


125 PR001E Gipsy Danger
 33 PRB102 Battleship
 33 PRB102 Battleship
191 Total

The next battle I have represented here, I've done with 2 different variations. In the first, I have Leatherback and Raiju, standing in for Otachi running up against Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon, since the four of them are the first to engage in combat, while Striker Alpha and Gipsy Danger hang out on the sidelines.

225 PR010E Leatherback
250 PR008R Raiju (stand in for Otachi)
475 Total


325 PR003 Cherno Alpha
150 PR004R Crimson Typhoon
475 Total

For those wanting to run a larger battle, and those that just want to bring the full awesome of Leatherback, this larger build allows you to run all 4 Jaegers versus the 2 massive Kaiju. Again I've added a Fighter Jet to round out the points.

450 PR010 Leatherback
250 PR008R Raiju (stand in for Otachi)
700 Total


150 PR004R Crimson Typhoon
225 PR003E Cherno Alpha
175 PR002E Striker Eureka
125 PR001E Gipsy Danger
 25 PRB101 Fighter Jet
700 Total

Finally, because the battle between 2 Jaegers and 3 Kaiju just wouldn't work out point-wise, I've split the battle up into 2 separate bouts. In the first bout, Gipsy Danger and Striker Eureka face off against the two category 4 Kaiju, Raiju and Scunner. Since they fight under water, adding the Fighter Jet here didn't make any sense, so I just left the Jaegers at a disadvantage.

225 PR001 Gipsy Danger
350 PR002 Striker Eureka
575 Total


400 PR008 Raiju
200 PR009E Scunner
600 Total

For the final battle, I have the same Gipsy Danger and Striker Eureka teams squaring off against the big daddy of all the Kaiju, the category 5 Slattern at his beefy 600 point line. My only complaint about Slattern is that his sculpt should be about twice the size of what it is to be in scale with everyone else. However, you can tell just by the way the sculpt sprawls that they had to downsize him to make him fit in the boosters. It's really too bad that he couldn't have come in pieces and be assembled later. That might have allowed them to get a larger sculpt into the booster.

225 PR001 Gipsy Danger
350 PR002 Striker Eureka
575 Total


600 PR007 Slattern

I have to admit, I'm pretty psyched at the prospect of getting to play these teams out. I have all the figures but Scunner (because we got one of the miss-packed Gravity Feeds that came with 5 Leatherbacks and no Scunners) but I should have one of him by next week. I also may need to track down a mini-game (once WizKids errata the Fighter Jet to actually have a range) since it helps to round out the points. Either way, this set and the movie are a lot of fun.